$1000 Grant Awarded to Ronald McDonald House

In January 2019, the Advancing Mind Foundation awarded a grant for $1,000 to the Ronald McDonald House in Jacksonville, Florida.

Until you or your family has a health challenge, you may never realize how much support you will need to receive care and recover from life-threatening illnesses. Ronald McDonald House offers tremendous support to the family members of loved ones receiving medical treatment and care. Often these family members travel great distances and must remain close to the treatment facility. In this case Baptist Hospital in Jacksonville, Florida, is the primary treatment center. Ronald McDonald House provides family members with a lovely place for extended stays, allowing every family member to experience the next-best-thing to being at home when traveling long distances from their local communities. Inspired by the personal service and care that Ronald McDonald House staff offers, the Advancing Mind Foundation believes this special one-on-one support benefits the well-being of the caregivers as well as those receiving treatment, making for a better quality stay and healing atmosphere for all concerned. What Mind Can Conceive, Humanity Can Achieve, and we believe at the Advancing Mind Foundation that Ronald McDonald Houses all over the nation were conceived by caring people who know how to give unconditional love to families when they need it most.